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Fine & Fee Payment

Payment methods
The library can choose from a variety of payment methods including: debit cards, credit cards, smart cards, cash and coins.
Multiple currencies
Pay with a variety of different currencies
Flexible Addons
Standalone or self-check add-on modules allow patrons to pay outstanding fines and fees
Product details
With mk payment solutions, libraries can increase collections and reduce wait times at the staff desk. Self-service payment allows staff to provide additional services and assist patrons. Cash and card payment devices placed at mk SelfCheck units limit cash handling by circulation staff and allow patrons to pay fines and fees securely at the SelfCheck as needed. Payment only occurs after the patron has verified fines and fees due at the mk SelfCheck.
- Donate at the SelfCheck to support the library and community
- Pay fees and fines directly at the SelfCheck system
- Payment only after verification via SelfCheck
- PCI and EMV (Chip/PIN) Compliant for cashless payment
- Easy access location alongside SelfCheck touchscreen
- Accepts credit & debit cards and NFC technology (Visa, MC, Apple Pay, etc.) for cashless payment
- Accepts coins ($1 coins, quarters, nickels, dime) and bills ($1, $5, $10, $20) – configuration can be adjusted (for cash and coin payment)
- Optional Bill Recycler (for cash and coin payment)
- ILS communication via SIP2, NCIP, or any APIs
- Patrons are guided via SelfCheck’s Graphical User Interface
- Option of printed, emailed, or no receipt
- Transactions recorded in LibManager
- Can be placed beside the SelfCheck or as a standalone kiosk elsewhere
- Remote maintenance via secure VPN connection