The unmanned 24/7 library allows access around the clock.
Increase library efficiency by expanding opening times.
Access control, surveillance, self-service & theft prevention
Product details
To enhance efficiency and offer users extended opening hours, mk Solutions presents the 24 Hour Library, an unmanned library which allows around the clock accessibility.
Access control
By way of a login panel, which comprises a keypad, card reader and a small display, users gain access to the library. The identity of the user is verified in the library database to ensure that only authorized users are allowed in. Logins are registered on the server and may subsequently be viewed via a statistics module.
Theft prevention
Exits are secured by RFID gates offering high detection in three dimensions. When materials that have not been checked out properly are detected, a visual and audible alarm built into the gate is set off. Moreover, the bibliographic details of the material together with photos of the gate taken three seconds before and three seconds after the alarm went off are registered.
In the library, users tend to their business by way of mk Solutions’ self-check kiosk – a sturdy unit with a height-adjustable tabletop option and a large touch screen for ADA/accessibility compliance. The hardware is locked away inside the kiosk tower itself. Optionally, the self-service kiosk can be combined with a returns box whose design ensures that only reserved material is accepted.
Surveillance cameras are installed to monitor the library where required. The video footage is saved to a hard disk recorder or a server located at the relevant library. The footage can be accessed via a web service on the local network.
The management of these components is controlled via mk Solutions’ software called mk LibManager, abbreviated to CLM. CLM is web-based, so it’s possible to monitor and manage the 24 Hour Library from any computer on the local network. Lib Manager makes it easy to access and edit your Open Library data and statistics. LibManager ensures you have full control of Open Library and all events during unmanned hours.